Immunization Requirements

Do you have a kindergarten or 7th grade student for the 2023-2024 school year?

The state of Utah has immunization requirements for students entering kindergarten and 7th grade.

Please email, fax or bring in a copy of your student’s updated immunization records before the first day of school.

If for some reason your student does not receive the updated vaccines and/or have a current exemption certificate from the state of Utah (incoming 7th graders need a new exemption form as per Utah state requirements), they will be issued a 21-day conditional enrollment period during which you may complete the requirements.

If you are planning to bring a copy of your student’s immunization record into the front office, see our summer office hours. If you have any questions, please call the front office at (801) 438-4619.

Kindergarten Requirements

To attend Kindergarten, a student must have written proof of receiving the following immunizations:

  • 5 DTaP/DT
  • 4 Polio
  • 2 Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
  • 3 Hepatitis B
  • 2 Hepatitis A
  • 2 Varicella (chickenpox)

Recommended for children 5 years and older but not required for school entry in Utah:

  • Influenza
  • COVID-19

7th Grade Requirements

To attend Kindergarten, a student must have written proof of receiving the following immunizations:

  • 1 TDaP*
  • 2 Varicella (chickenpox)
  • 1 Meningococcal Conjugate**
  • 3 Hepatitis B

This is in addition to the below immunizations that should have already been completed:

  • 2 Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
  • 4 Polio
  • 2 Hepatitis A
  • 5 DTaP/DT

Recommended for 11-12 year olds, but not required for school entry in Utah:

  • HPV
  • Influenza
  • COVID-19

*Only TDaP vaccine given after 10 years of age is acceptable for 7th grade school entry.

**Only Meningococcal Conjugate vaccine given after 10 years of age is acceptable for 7th grade school entry.

Proof of immunity to disease(s) can be accepted in place of vaccination only if a document from a health care provider stating the student previously contracted the disease is presented to the school.

For children whose parents claim an exemption to immunization for medical, religious, or personal reasons, their legally responsible individual must complete an online immunization education module at or in-person consultation at a local health department. A copy of the certificate must be presented to the school or child care official.

For a medical exemption from the required immunizations, a completed vaccination exemption form and a written notice signed by a licensed healthcare provider must be presented to the school.

For questions regarding your child’s immunization status, contact your child’s health care provider, your local health department or the Immunization Hotline at 1-800-275-0659.