Policies & Handbooks

Policy Quicklinks

Family Handbook

We ask that all families review the handbook prior to the start of school each year.

Uniform Policy

For more information about uniforms, visit the uniform page.

Disclipine Policy
Enrollment & Lottery Policy

Visit the enrollment process page to learn more.

Attendance Policy

To learn more about attendance, visit the bell schedule and attendance page.


Policy Approval Dates

The governing board has adopted policies in compliance with federal and state law. See a comprehensive list of policies and the dates on which they were adopted or revised.

FERPA: Notice for Directory Information

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords Athlos the right to disclose, with exceptions, personally identifiable information from your child’s education records for purposes such as the yearbook and recognitions of achievement.

If you do not want the school to disclose any or all of the types of information designated below as directory information from your child’s education records without your prior written consent, you must notify the school in writing by the first month of school. For more information on FERPA and the protection of your child’s records see the links below.

Data Governance Plan

Athlos Academy takes seriously its moral and legal responsibility to protect student privacy and ensure data security. Utah’s Student Data Protection Act requires that Athlos Academy of Utah adopt a data governance plan.

Metadata Dictionary


5000 Student Policies